Thursday, June 7, 2012

Weekend rides and disruptive bankers

One of Macquarie Group’s top banking executives in the US was offloaded from a Qantas plane for  disruptive behaviour after refusing to turn off his mobile phone. Watch the video

Saturday looks wet. Sunday better

SATURDAY OPTION 1: 0630 LABC HQ depart for 2-hr snot ride. Clear head, lungs and lay down some oysters. But only if its not raining. Don't wait if no one shows.   

SATURDAY OPTION 2: 0730 Mechanics Bay depart for gentlemanly-paced Poo Ponds loop.

SUNDAY: 0630 LABC HQ depart for Hunuas.  Back 0930-1000.

In the event of bad weather or disputes regarding the Rules, conduct, results and all other matters relating to weekend rides, the decision of the judge(s) shall be final and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into.

1 comment:

  1. hmmm, now who does that remind me of ??
