Thursday, October 20, 2011

Weekend rides and Gallic surprises

"Tastes just like chicken!"

-- Saturday 22 and Sunday 23 October

0545 Newmarket (crn Broadway and Khyber Pass) depart for Waitaks...Butterchicken, Bethells loop, Scenic Drive, Karekare return. Always hurts a bit

0730 Mechanics Bay depart for moderately paced Poo-Ponds.

0600 LABC HQ depart for Hunua spin

In the event of bad weather or disputes regarding the Rules, conduct, results and all other matters relating to weekend rides, the decision of the judge(s) shall be final and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Weekend rides and shipping disasters

Reef my arse.

-- Saturday 15 and Sunday 16 October


0545 Mechanics Bay depart for Eastern hills. (West moisterlies so East might be a better bet), Map My Ride says 140km and 1,070 metres gained. Brisk pace.

0630 Mechanics Bay depart for Titirangi via Hillsborough Rd, Scenic Dr, Karekare, Scenic Dr, Te Henga, Waitakere, Swanson, return via Glen Eden valley. Mapmyride: 120km, 1,256m (last week: 115km, 1,186m). Pace moderate.

0730 Mechanics Bay depart for moderately paced Poo-Ponds.


0600 LABC HQ depart for 3-hour recovery spin

In the event of bad weather or disputes regarding the Rules, conduct, results and all other matters relating to weekend rides, the decision of the judge(s) shall be final and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Weekend rides and cash on the sidelines

-- Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 October


0545 Newmarket (crn Broadway and Khyber Pass) for Waitaks...Butterchicken, Bethells loop, Scenic Drive, Karekare return. Might hurt a bit. Just a little.

0630 Mechanics Bay depart for Brett's Westward Trek: To Titirangi via Hillsborough Rd, Green and Wood Bays, Butter Chicken, Kay Rd, Waitakere, Te Henga out to the beach, returning to Newmarket via Scenic Dr and Titirangi. 115km. 1,186m. Medium pace.

0730 Mechanics Bay depart for moderately paced Poo-Ponds.


0600 LABC HQ depart for 3-hour recovery spin

In the event of bad weather or disputes regarding the Rules, conduct, results and all other matters relating to weekend rides, the decision of the judge(s) shall be final and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into.