-- Nipple string bra flashed at cafe stop; unholy sticking plaster admission; patrons titter
John McK reports:
"Chamois cream is well known to cyclists. It keeps cycling shorts stuck to nether regions, so they, rather than the rider, chafe.
"Other parts of a cyclist's body need such protection. I have used sticking plasters on my nipples in summer. Heat, rain and sweat can be cruel.
John McK reports:
"Chamois cream is well known to cyclists. It keeps cycling shorts stuck to nether regions, so they, rather than the rider, chafe.
"Other parts of a cyclist's body need such protection. I have used sticking plasters on my nipples in summer. Heat, rain and sweat can be cruel.
"But more recently, in colder weather, I have quietly advocated lashings of lanolin for the aforementioned. It turns puckered to perky.
"Never admit anything like this to McGechie. In particular, do not goad him whilst overtaking with the proclamation "Greased nipples, greased #$%& ... greased lightning!"
"You'll end up with a grease nipple string bra to wear in public whilst at the cafe afterwards. He'd carried it all the way around for the grand presentation.
How sick and pre-meditated is that?"
"Never admit anything like this to McGechie. In particular, do not goad him whilst overtaking with the proclamation "Greased nipples, greased #$%& ... greased lightning!"
"You'll end up with a grease nipple string bra to wear in public whilst at the cafe afterwards. He'd carried it all the way around for the grand presentation.
How sick and pre-meditated is that?"